This year, I’ve dedicated more time to working closely with buyers and vendors from across the HR technology and services marketplace to understand regulatory trends and challenges and learn more about the modern solutions shaping how compliance is managed across the HR spectrum.
Nowhere has compliance complexity been felt more than in payroll. In my payroll buyer research, maintaining compliance remains undisputed as the leading day-to-day hurdle for practitioners and a driver of payroll technology and service adoption and modernization. As regulations evolve and new complexities are introduced at an accelerated pace, expect compliance to remain a continuously moving target for payroll operations.
With organizations of all sizes and sectors more commonly finding their firms operating with expanded multi-country footprints, the need to modernize payroll operations globally remains a key focus for many. Modernized payroll operations de-risk the critical process, engage payroll’s rich dataset, and unlock its valuable insights to enable the organizational agility required for firms to compete in today’s market.
Behind the scenes.
I recently had the opportunity to go behind the scenes with the payroll leadership team at SAP SuccessFactors, including at their recent SuccessConnect conference to learn more about their global payroll heritage, capability, and approach that powers payroll for some of the largest and most complex enterprise organizations globally.
With Employee Central Payroll now paying over 12M payroll users globally and holding arguably the largest organic and widely adopted sets of multi-country payroll calculation engines available in the HCM category, SAP SuccessFactors remains the “team to beat” in the multi-country payroll race amongst its peers.
As part of its 2H 2023 release, SAP SuccessFactors launched a localized country calculation engine in ECP for Greece. The move expands ECP’s native gross to net calc engine set and coverage to 50 countries, which extends with partner-enabled calc engines. Six more countries are available as of this release, made possible by SAP partner local versions for ECP via EPI-USE; countries include Peru, Vietnam, Denmark, and Angola, and Namibia with Mozambique being piloted.
Beyond its native delivered localizations, ECP has customers in 79 countries on the platform, enabled through partner and customer-specific localizations. The combined spectrum of SAP and partner capabilities extends its country coverage to more than 100 countries globally.
More than calc engines.
If one were to analogize SAP’s multi-country payroll capability and heritage as an iceberg, then its localized country calc engine set would essentially be just the tip of a deep and proven payroll heritage. Over 10K organizations globally, representing 60% of the global Fortune 1000 trust SAP systems to provide payroll technology for an impressive 100M+ users globally.
Supporting payroll infrastructure at that scale is a mammoth task and requires a keen and continuous focus on compliance, security, and innovation. To that end, SAP maintains a robust in-country global network of dedicated compliance expertise and resources that rival the largest and most capable payroll service providers globally.
SAP’s approach to continuously advancing its technology for ongoing compliance is supported by a team of over 150 localized product managers focused on monitoring compliance activities and working closely with local jurisdictions, government agencies and local user groups as legislation evolves.
Over the past three decades, SAP has invested in and established “boots on the ground” and relationships with government agencies to drive leading practice, leaning into compliance, and leading how changes are deployed by the largest companies worldwide. The team supports over 3K local legal reports, 33K country specific fields, and more than 800 localized compliance changes annually, which continues to grow in number and complexity year over year. In the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic alone the team supported over 320 additional changes.
Flexibility where it matters most.
A key global payroll buyer selection theme in recent years and increasingly important as we move forward is flexibility. More than ever, payroll buyers are keenly focused on time to value and flexibility for the solutions they invest in to quickly meet their organization's unique requirements and support them as they scale along their growth paths.
SAP offers ECP directly and indirectly, allowing buyers the flexibility to subscribe and adopt the technology through the best-fit method. The ‘In-house’ or SaaS adoption model allows organizations to license the technology directly from SAP for use within their internal payroll operations or leverage an SAP partner (e.g. ADP, Ceridian Tax, etc.) to provide services independently. Their partner managed cloud option provides for the applications to be licensed through one of over 25 global and regional service partners from within the SAP ecosystem for a more platform-based solution that incorporates technology with services.
An essential area where SAP enables flexibility for customers is in data ownership and portability. Unlike traditional bureau-style global payroll technologies that are tightly coupled to managed service arrangements, which often retain ownership of data processed within their infrastructure, SAP takes an agile approach that allows the uncoupling of data from payroll technology for complete control, ownership, and the all-important need to maintain data portability. With a traditional bureau-style payroll, if an organization wanted to move from an outsourced model to an in-house delivery approach, it usually requires a complete replacement of the payroll technology.
This may seem small on the surface, but considering organizational direction and needs can change, grow, and evolve rapidly or over time, so must the payroll operations redundancy and continuity. Data portability means the flexibility to meet the organization's needs regardless of size, system, or how the operating model is enabled. This flexible approach avoids a ‘rip and replace’ ultimatum should an organization choose to enable its payroll operations through a different approach.
As an example, if a customer running payroll in-house leveraging ECP wanted to shift the delivery of payroll to a managed service partner, they can leverage the SAP global ecosystem to find a partner to provide the services while leaving their existing implementation and investment in place. This approach enables the organization to scale up with growth or globally as strategy dictates, providing an agile payroll operating model that enables organizational agility and potential competitive advantage.
Beyond its flexible offering, SAP enables an agile approach to global HR and payroll. It integrates its best-of-breed, global core HR technology, Employee Central (which recently surpassed the milestone of 6K customers globally) with a highly localized multi-country payroll capability, globally harmonized to a single control point, experience, and global data set.
SAP’s deep multi-country payroll heritage, proven global enterprise experience, and native country calc engine set remain unmatched and have positioned ECP well amongst multinational buyers seeking highly localized, enterprise-grade HCM technology and globally capable payroll solutions tightly integrated with a global core HR solution.
Tips for Global Payroll Success
Understand where you are and where you want to be. Too often, I see organizations storming off on global payroll transformation initiatives absent a strategy or roadmap. Transformation, for transformation's sake, should never be the goal. It's important to understand the current state well enough to understand where it requires transforming paired with a vision for where payroll should be.
Technology alone won't be enough, so it’s important to consider the entire payroll operating model in your strategy and in context with the broader HCM and organizational strategies as you design, select, and deploy any future state payroll operating model.
Flexibility is a must. The gift of modern payroll innovation and its corresponding marketplace is that buyers have options. Every organization has strengths and weaknesses, and many have made investments and progress in pursuing a transformed payroll operation. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution, and every organization is on a unique journey with unique needs, variables, and ambitions.
Look for solutions that offer highly flexible adoption approaches. Seek out technology and service levels that allow incremental adoption to transform at your pace, enabling an extend and compliment approach to existing resources and investments vs. a rip and replace.
Buy for tomorrow, not today. Never buy for where you are, always look to buy for where the organization is heading. Leverage your options and the flexibility of modern solutions in context with your strategy and investments, looking downrange and buying for where you are heading vs. where you are today. Consider the entire operating model of people, processes, and technology.
Today's need may be technology only, but what about five years from now? Can your organization maintain and develop payroll talent sufficiently? Does the organization have the expertise to support a global operation over the long term? If the answer is no or it is unknown, it may be worth exploring a managed services partner vs. a technology-only play. As organizational needs change, revisiting the payroll strategy may be required, and new solutions may be engaged to support added or reduced skills or resources.